Private Services

Wedding & Special Occasions


Weddings, birthdays, parties, christenings and funerals are the sort of family occasions that frequently need transport for any number of family members, friends and guests. As each and every family event is special, it is not easy to generalise about the services we can provide.

We produce quotes for this work after taking a full brief from you - discussing your precise requirements. We recommend that you give us as much notice as possible.

Unlike some chauffeur companies providing wedding cars we do not require deposits or part payments months ahead of the planned event date - apart from bookings for cars in our VIP Fleet. All we ask is that we are paid in full at least 10 days prior to your "Special Day".

As part of our wedding car service we supply white V ribbons. We leave the provision of any/all floral arrangements and other ribbons to the wedding organisers, as they handle the bride's colour coordination requirements.

If you are planning such an event please contact us and we will do our very best to ensure that your "Special Day" runs smoothly.

Please click here for our tariffs.