Answer: Because it’s the only legal way to make a booking
You have an obligation to ensure your executives are being handled by a competent company. Your colleagues are being driven by drivers you don’t know, in vehicles you haven’t checked. Choosing a company requires some research. Don’t take a risk with your employees.
Our records are routinely checked by TfL. We’ve never failed a TfL inspection, nor received any warnings from them. We pass each time, every time.
Use our service and your responsibility in this area falls to zero. This is our raison d'être. We ensure all applicable licenses are kept current, all insurance documents are valid, and above all, laws, rules and regulations are followed.
These guidelines will help ensure you never have a problem. The main points to consider are:
Ask the private hire company for a copy of their Operator’s Licence and check it here (TfL Website)
Is the company VAT registered in the UK?
Is the company ISO 9001 certified?
Has the company won awards for excellence?
Always ask the private hire company for references from similar companies
The very worst thing you can do is approach a driver directly and ask him or her to drive you. 97% of drivers do not have an operator’s licence, making it illegal for them to accept a booking directly from a customer. But most won’t tell you this. They are usually more interested in the potential rewards than adhering to the law. If an accident were to occur, the customer would most certainly lose out, as your journey is uninsured and you have no legal recourse.
Booking a Private Hire vehicle in London can only be done (legally) through a licensed Private Hire Operator. The only exceptions are wedding cars, where the car is going to/from a Church (or similar venue where civil/religious ceremonies take place) and funerals. Anything other than these two scenarios will require you to make your booking through a licensed Private Hire Operator.
The Government has regulated the Private Hire sector in order to protect the safety of passengers. The main focus is on, 1) the person or entity taking the booking, 2) the person doing the driving, and 3) the vehicle the customer is driven in. All three require separate licenses. The easiest way to ensure you comply with the law is to use a reputable Licensed Private Hire Operator. It is the Operator’s responsibility to ensure the drivers and vehicles are all licensed.
So how do you choose an appropriate London Private Hire Operator? Well, the first thing you need to do is ensure the company you wish to use is licensed. You do this by asking for a copy of their licence. If the company refuses to give you a copy (this in itself, is not illegal), it should make you think twice before dealing with them… Why would they ‘not’ want to send you this document? It’s a public document, as all private hire operators must have this document on display in their premises at all times. Once you have a copy of their Operator’s Licence, you can go to the TfL website, and check the validity of this licence by clicking here. If you aren’t able to get a copy, then check their business name against the TfL database by clicking here. When checking business names on the TfL website, ensure you enter the name exactly as given. You should also be sure that the person you are dealing with is a representative of the company licence you are checking. An old trick is to use someone else’s licence, even though it is unauthorised to do so.
Next, check whether the private hire company is registered in the UK and pays VAT. You can check any company status by clicking this link. Also, check any UK company’s VAT number here. Many ‘companies’ or private individuals are not registered with any UK authorities (HMRC, Companies House etc). Some because of a tax avoidance, others, who knows? Do you wish to deal with a company that doesn’t pay its fair share of VAT and corporation tax? If a company does pay VAT, it’s usually an indicator that they’re bona fide, as no one would pay tax on earnings they wish to keep hidden. These are only indicators, most of which are often overlooked.
Another good indicator is independent varification of the company through ISO certification or awards. The industry gives private hire companies in various categories an award, but you have to register your interest in these awards and pay a fee to be included and considered. We prefer an even more independent source, such as a reputable ISO Certification Body. ISO certification is globally recognised and can be an excellent view in to the inner workings of a company. It’s also a great way to know whether a company has verifiable environmental standards which have been adopted, such as ISO 14001.
The last thing you should check is their references. Call the person mentioned personally, rather than emailing. A senior executive may not have time to talk, but you should speak to the office manager using the private hire company you are considering. Ask all the relevant questions you need to - are invoices received on time, are they always accurate, have there been any complaints from the executives regarding lateness, or uncleanliness? Even minor details can make a huge difference.
Adhering to most of the above will help you avoid the many unscrupulous private hire operators taking bookings in London. First, think about what kind of company you work for. Then, only consider a private hire company that matches your own high standards.
Be safe.